A Little Bit Of Encouragement For The Techie.

You are doing a great job, champ.

Hello, beautiful people ( I typed this smiling broadly).

If you're reading this, you're amazing and smart and have a mind that's willing to learn and grow.

Please, just give me just a few minutes of your time, this might do a little good for you today, Thank you.

It's another day to encourage yourself and give yourself credit. I do this every Monday, that is, encourage myself, and I thought to share it with you.

As a tech newbie, a junior dev, senior dev, you need to know that you're doing a great, great job where you are.

It's really not easy, I mean who said it is?

Choosing to scout the tech path is on a whole nother level, but here you are bestie, you started it.

You wrote your first line of code, you edited your first tech issue, you created your first website, you're doing it. You are definitely not where you used to be buddy.

Give yourself some credit. Don't be discouraged by other people's achievements, hey, everyone has their own beginning.

Think about it this way: If I can give this all I've got, my future self will be proud of me.

You're new in tech? Awesome. Everyone advancing in tech today was new in tech one time in their lives, the reason they are were they are is because they were consistent, and you can be consistent too.

You missed a day? Get back up, dust your notes and get back to work.

You might not be moving at the pace you planned but by all means, keep going.

I believe in what you can create out of codes.

You're doing just fine, champ!

I hope this puts a smile on your face, have a lovely day.

#motivation #tech #anybodycancode